faces of israel
Sunday, April 11
12 PM - 1 PM
Location: Online
Kick off Israel Week by joining us for Faces of Israel - an online interactive display that showcases the diversity of Israel. Enjoy a delicious lunch while learning from four different Israelis who each have drastically different backgrounds. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with the speakers in small breakout rooms, allowing for intimate conversations that will allow them to gain a better understanding of our speaker's unique narratives and world views. Questions? Contact Spencer Price at pricesp2@msu.edu for more information.
israel drive-in movie night:
you don't mess with the zohan
Monday, April 12
8:00 PM
Location: All Saints Episcopal Church -
800 Abbot Road
Grab your friends and head to the movies! Join us for a pop-up drive-in movie night featuring a classic comedy - You Don't Mess with the Zohan. While you're watching the show, enjoy yummy theater-style treats. This program will take place outside - cars, blankets and lawn chairs are all welcome! Questions? Contact Molly Appel at appelmol@msu.edu for more information.
Thank you to Canterbury MSU at All Saints Episcopal Church for hosting our event.
the shuk
Tuesday, April 13
1 PM - 3 PM
Location: Downtown East Lansing Outside Blue Owl Coffee
Join us downtown as we bring the Israeli lifestyle to East Lansing at The Shuk! Enjoy shopping from local businesses while enjoying Israeli treats that one would typically find at a shuk in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Questions? Contact Diane Zashin at zashindi@msu.edu for more information. Exact location to be announced.
yom ha'zikaron
Wed., April 14
7 PM
Location: Bailey Park
Yom Hazikaron, the Israeli Memorial Day, is different in its character and mood from the American Memorial Day. For 24 hours (from sunset to sunset) all places of public entertainment (theaters, cinemas, nightclubs, pubs, etc.) are closed. All radio and television stations broadcast programs honoring the lives of fallen soldiers. Memorial Day is also purposely (and symbolically) the day before Independence day, so people never forget to honor those they have lost before they celebrate. For this program, we will be having a candle light memorial at Bailey Park. We will be reading the stories of fallen soldiers and honoring their memories. Questions? Contact Maddi Jackson at maddi@msuhillel.org.
yom ha'atzmaut
Thursday, April 15
6 PM
Location: MSU Hillel
Celebrate Israel's independence day at our Yom Ha'Atzmaut celebration! Enjoy a delicious dinner from an authentic Israeli food truck while participating in carnival games and listening to Israeli music. This event is free of charge to MSU students. Questions? Contact Devin Davidson at ddavidson13@comcast.net.
Friday, April 16
5:30 PM
Location: MSU Hillel
Mark the end of Israel week with a festive in-person Shabbat dinner featuring authentic Israeli food. This program will take place outdoors - please dress accordingly! Vegetarian and gluten free options are available. Free of charge to MSU students - please RSVP to ensure enough food and seating. Questions? Contact Neta Druker at israelfellow@msuhillel.org. ​